
Past performances do not predict future performances and are not stable over time. The “AMF” accreditation does not imply that you shall automatically benefit from taxes benefit advantages presented by the Asset Management Company (“Extendam”). This would partly depend on the financial products’ compliance, investment rules, and the investment period during which you will hold the financial product and your fiscal situation.
(*)FPCI: Capital Investment Fund such as defined by the articles: L.214-159 and following the Financial and Monetary Code. The FPCI are not subject to the AMF accreditation, and are reserved to well-informed investors as defined in the Article 423-49 of the General Agreement of the AMF, accepting all risks, including the loss of capital and specific risk linked to this type of investment. This type of financial placement require a minimum holding period.
(1) and (2) a return calculated over a time period below 12 months is not significant. N/A non applicable.
(3) annualized performances are calculated from the 2009/12/31 to the 2016/12/16, date of the liquidation of the fund
(4) cumulative results from the 2009/12/31 to the 2016/12/16, date of the liquidation of the fund
(5) annualized performances are calculated from the 2010/12/31 to the 2017/12/17, date of the liquidation of the fund
(6) cumulative results from the 2010/12/31 to the 2017/12/17, date of the liquidation of the fund
(7) Extendam has proceed the 27th of February 2017 to a first partial redemption of the FCPI Multi-Cibles Nº3, set up in December 2011, which has entered in the preliquidation period since the 1st January 2017. Distribution at the 2017/12/31 = 5,00€
(8) The FIP Commerce et Foncier Nº1 and the FIP Patrimoine et Hotel Nº1 have entered into the preliquidation period since the 2nd of June 2017.
Data source : Extendam