EXTENDAM has all the approvals required to manage Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and for discretionary asset management on behalf of institutional investors.
The range of financial instruments it uses includes:
› financial instruments not admitted to trading on a regulated or organised market (capital or debt instruments);
› instruments traded on French and foreign regulated and organised markets;
› property assets, as defined in Article L.214-36 of the French Monetary and Financial Code;
› European AIFs intended for professional clients and AIFs from other countries; and
› simple forward financial instruments (financial contracts) for hedging purposes.
EXTENDAM has all the approvals required to manage Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and for discretionary asset management on behalf of institutional investors.
The range of financial instruments it uses includes:
› financial instruments not admitted to trading on a regulated or organised market (capital or debt instruments);
› instruments traded on French and foreign regulated and organised markets;
› property assets, as defined in Article L.214-36 of the French Monetary and Financial Code;
› European AIFs intended for professional clients and AIFs from other countries;
› simple forward financial instruments (financial contracts) for hedging purposes.
Institutional contact
Jennifer Otero
Institutional contact
Benjamin Rogier