EXTENDAM has chosen to be a signatory of the PRIs to add weight to its responsible financing strategy and to respond to the increasing number of social and environmental challenges in the key sector of hospitality.

This is more than an obligation on an industry leader; first and foremost, it is a matter of conviction and values. The hospitality ecosystem is developing and changing fast.

Let us share together the aim of exceeding our commitments each year, first of all by what we do, and then by setting a positive example in the hospitality industry in terms of social, environmental and governance matters.

Jean-Marc PALHON


As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since May 2019, EXTENDAM has implemented an active and rigorous approach to being a Responsible Investor and is convinced that incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in corporate management helps create more value and manage risks better.

This approach is based on the conviction that companies that incorporate ESG issues into their strategy offer better long-term prospects and will be among the future leaders of their industry, outperforming others in the long term as a result.

The company has therefore developed extra-financial expertise in evaluating, monitoring and reporting on its investments and aims to encourage unlisted companies (in particular the professional associations to which it belongs) to incorporate ESG issues into their activities.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 “Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation” (SFDR) or “Disclosure”, information on the inclusion of sustainability risks in the EXTENDAM investment process and the main negative impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors are available.

Article 29 of Law No. 2019-1147 of November 8, 2019, relating to energy and the climate, and its implementing Decree No. 2021-663 of May 27, 2021, require portfolio management companies to disclose the methods for considering environmental, social, and governance criteria in their investment policy, as well as the measures implemented to contribute to energy and ecological transition.


Guided by our values – Excellence, Presence, Innovation, Trust and Respect – and as part of its ESG approach, we have drawn up a Code of Ethics that we will implement with each of our partners, whether they are institutional investors, individuals or hotel entrepreneurs.

As well as uniting our teams, these values guide us each day in what we do, the decisions we make and our relations with the various stakeholders in our diverse ecosystem.


Guided by our values – Excellence, Closeness, Innovation, Trust and Respect – and as part of its ESG approach, we have drawn up a Code of Ethics that we will implement with each of our partners, whether they are institutional investors, individuals or hotel entrepreneurs.

As well as uniting our teams, these values guide us each day in what we do, the decisions we make and our relations with the various stakeholders in our diverse ecosystem.